Its full steam ahead now as I have less than 3 weeks before I vacate my appartment and move aboard.
Much of the internal painting has been completed and the work is mostly cosmetic and applying the finishing touches.
The bathroom is finally finished, all apart from sealing the floor. I don want to use varnish, prefering to leave the wood able to breath and flex, yet I need to proect it from water. Its so damn hard to find the right product which is totally clear, non staining, breathable and waterproof without being sticky.
There is one small problem with the head. It likes to fill its self when im not watching and I caught it just in time today when the water was only half an inch from overflowing.
Its just not practical to turn the water on and off every time its used as one day someone WILL forget, The fresh water tank is almost 12'' above the toilet pump and it gradually fills the bowl by gravity feed, bypassing the pump somehow.
Im toying with the idea of putting a solenoid valve in the pipe, opened by the flush switch