Yesterday the sun was shining and although everywhere was soaking wet, it turned into a good drying day. I got all the hatches and windows open to maximise the evaporation process, mopped up the worst of the standing water from the bilges and then set about removing the two worst leaking deck hatches.
Even before I disturbed the offending sealant, I tooks pix and could see what a mess it was. Barely skinned over, and beneath, a runny puddle of yuk, little more than water, which explains why ive had so many leaks.
I stripped down and cleaned the mess off both frames, and rebuilt them this time using clear glazing silicon. Also, unlike when I previously fitted the hatches and windows, I set the glass units in the frames whilst they were on the bench. Although this makes the whole unit very heavy and awkward to handle, I think it will stop them distorting. Damn things must weigh 30 kg each and not easy to refit when having to get them back on deck, up a slippery gang plank, without falling off or scratching them.
For those of you who have embarked on an arduous project, im sure you will be familiar with the promises of help from well meaning friends. These promises are like the invitations to dinner or drinks that were never meant to happen, just platitudes to throw into a conversation of mock sincerity.
Where were you, ya bastards?
Watching from behind the bushes, waiting for the last brick to leave my hands before waltzing along to suggest I shoulddnt be working so hard and that you could help.?
I have a long memory, so please dont be offended when one day, I appear to be more than a little selfish whilst you struggle with moving house or whatever!!!
So, the rest of the day was taken over to loading the other two packs of bricks, all 936, 2.5 tons of them in through a side window and laying them between the scantlings.
This time it was harder than the first pack as I had further to carry them, so I made stacks of 9 which I could carry the full length of the boat, making the walking back and forth more efficient. Finally, I cleaned up and replaced the window, sealing with silicon just as it was getting dark.
Another 10 hour day. My poor bones and muscles are realy starting to ache now, and I had a hot shower and felt so glad I dont have to do it again. Today is Sunday, so Ive had a few extra hours in bed. Its rained a lot in the night so I cant wait to get aboard and see if the hatches are water tight.