This weekend was whats known in the UK as a Bank or public holiday. Why banks need extra holidays gawd knows. They dont open until mid morning, they hardly bust a gut all day and then shut up early and no longer work Saturdays either.
Easy life eh? Maybe thats why they have failed to process my final payment transaction to the yard and so thats where the boat stayed all weekend.
Badger has gone on hols for a week and the crane firm who were tipped for standby cover are almost twice the price so Ive taken the decision to leave it until Badger gets back next Monday.
Oh well, patience is a virtue and I should be sainted for mine. At last the weather has resumed normal summer service and it made the job of pulling the boat out of the fabrication shed much more pleasant.
A rough guess puts the weight at about 11,000 KG or 11 tons and as can be seen in some pix, it rolls rather easily on gas cylinders.
Some sarcastic comments were made about the strength of my deck cleats but they held fast when the wire rope was attached to them and took the traction weight perfectly.
There was about 4 inches to spare between the door posts as the boat was dragged out and the gunwhales will need repainting to cover where they got scraped
I spent the afternoon vacuuming out the hull ready for a coat of bitumin paint tomorrow.
Im beginning to wonder if its going to be large enough for my needs as it suddenly looks rather small out in the yard. The workshop certainly looks larger now.